This is the beginning of a growing collection of links to groups and networks where solo workers can look for support, of all kinds.

If you are part of, or run a network which offers support to solo, freelance or remote workers, I’d love to hear from you. Just email me.

I strongly recommend joining a union-type organisation, for your profession. I’m a member of the National Union of Journalists for example, which offers its members free help and support with things like late payments, or other legal problems, as well as training. It is also worth exploring what kind of insurance you might need. As I am based in the UK I have public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance, but your needs may be different. An insurance broker or a professional union or association will be able to advise you on what you need and find a good value policy.

If you are having trouble getting a late payer to pay up, this is a (fairly) helpful page from the UK government about how to approach the problem and under what terms you can charge them interest, or, ultimately, them to court.


WorkClub is an app-based tool which connects solo workers with flexible working spaces all over the country, whenever and wherever they need it:

The Flex Network is a space full of opportunities for flexible workers and ethical entrepreneurs, and focuses on sustainable business:

Study Hall is US-based organisation with a variety of subscription options, offering support and networking opportunities:

Freelance Feels was set up to bring together thinking about mental health and well-being and freelancing (three of my favourite topics):

The IPSE (Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed) is a one-stop champion of solo workers. They provide their members with a wide range of services, including contract checking, insurance, and access to a huge community of solo workers. Plus they lobby government on our behalf, as well as producing regular research papers, too: